Archive for the ‘random philosophy’ Category

A Cliff Claven-ism (R rated)

It’s a little known fact that the term “whore” is derived from, ah, their relative working orientation. You see, “whore,” is in fact short for the “hor” in horizontal, it was only the colloquistic anachronisms of the time that impelled people to add the superfluous “w” and “e” to either end of the expression to prevent it from […]

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Superstition is going to come back with a vengeance

Everything comes from somewhere. All science has been proven incorrect, or incomplete over the course of time, but the basic truths people have understood or believed in have persevered throughout the ages. Whether it be in the form of religion, superstition, cultural convention, or passed down from generation to generation in the form of stories and rituals, […]

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Everything is Religion

If you were to take a cross section of all the strictly devout religious people in the world, a certain percentage would know some amount of their own scripture with a less than 100% degree accuracy, a smaller percentage would not know very much at all, and what they did know would be wildly inaccurate, […]

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The Beast of the Belly

There are times in life where people must come to terms with certain harsh truths. We all have pictures of ourselves that depart from the actual reality of who we are, and if we had the courage to ask our loved ones, and more importantly LISTEN to what they had to say, perhaps our estimations […]

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The Assess-O-Tron, the future of the happy relationship.

I’ve invented a new product. It’s main purpose is to keep people in love and expressive in their relationship through cutting edge social interactive technology. Here’s how the device works: You carry the  “Assess-O-Tron” which is a small ipod like device, somewhere on your person. When you first receive this device you will be asked […]

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So after quite the hiatus, I wrote a really lame post last night. I actually wrote a very offensive post last week, but the fact that my iPhone didn’t save it was taken by me as a sign not to post that crap. It never ceases to amaze me how paying attention to “signs” can […]

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Who you were and who you are.

The girl I lost my virginity to told me tonight to go suck some gorilla balls. In her defense she was only using my own words against me but it does give me pause and make me think about where I was, lo those many years ago, and how far I’ve come in life since […]

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The usefulness of items equation.

All items in the world have a hidden usefulness equation that determines how effective, but not necessarily how successful that product is in the real world. This equation is a work in progress (I just thought of it 5 minutes ago, but it’s been an idea I’ve had in the back of my mind for […]

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