So after quite the hiatus, I wrote a really lame post last night. I actually wrote a very offensive post last week, but the fact that my iPhone didn’t save it was taken by me as a sign not to post that crap. It never ceases to amaze me how paying attention to “signs” can often work in your favor. Naysayers will probably suggest that looking for signs is a bunch of BS in the same vein of hindsight being 20/20, and the “signs” that don’t end up meaning anything are conveniently ignored. But seriously, who gives a fuck about the opinions of people who run around saying nay, I mean it’s 2009, update your fucking lexicon!
So at some point I should probably get to the er, point which is this: Last night I finished my post with what I thought was a totally random although not unique thought. That thought was, of course FUCK TIME WARNER.
I’m pleased to say that through the amazing power of synchronicity (known in some circles as coincidence and others as quantum mechanics), Verizon FIOS will be replacing Time Warner in my life in every way. My hope is that they restrict their service delivery to cable, phone, and internet, and leave out the abuse, theft and damage to my stomach lining.
Viva le FIOS!
And for good measure, fuck Time Warner.
One Comment on “Synchronicity”
I too, I want to fuck Time Warner. They suck, no doubt.